A review by getcremebrulaid
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata


I’d give this one a solid 3.5 ⭐️

~The Characters~
*chefs kiss*

Aiden was the worst. In a brooding likeable way. He’d make me so mad one minute and then would do something so adorably grumpy the next that I found myself getting all gooey over him right along with Vanessa.

Vanessa was incredible. One of those I don’t know if she’s life goals or wife goals types of characters. I admired her ability to stick up for herself and how she’d race after her goals at full speed. Even when she was experiencing doubts, she’d always follow through. There’s something about a person who’s scared but still manages to live their life to the fullest that just makes me want to weep happy tears.

Zak was the perfect comedic relief. I loved every time his character was in a scene. His little quips always had me cracking up and his friendship with Vanessa was the cutest thing.

Trevor confirmed my belief that all guys named Trevor are horrible.

Leo is the goodest boy.

~The Plot~

To call this one a slow burn would be far too generous. This was a snail simmer. A holy crap I’m 98% percent done with the book and things haven’t actually happened burn. It felt like the equivalent of eating an entire foot long sub, but in the last bite chomping into a misplaced hot pepper. And then getting doused with a cup of cold water. BUT I will say that the last chapter rapid fire tied up all the loose ends. Including a lovely time jump. I wouldn’t have minded getting just a liiiiittle bit ✨more✨story, but all my questions were answered so despite how long it took to get to that point. In the end, I was left feeling almost satisfied.

Overall the story was cute. It had me giggling at parts. Cringing a healthy amount. And sitting on the edge of my seat thinking, THERES NO WAY IM GOING TO GET THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH THIS BOOK AND NOT GET REWARDED WITH AT LEAST A MORSEL OF SPICE (To which to answer is: Relax. Everything is going to be okay. You will earn your half a chili pepper