A review by thebookhan
The Love Hypothesis, by Ali Hazelwood


don’t come at me, but...

i did not enjoy this book hardly at all. i had to force myself to finish it. i thought maybe it would get better since it has a 4.3 average rating on goodreads and i’ve hardly seen anyone talk badly of it…but my god did you guys lead me astray. this was not good. it was so boring. the conflict felt so forced. the humor was not it for me and seemed so unbearably cheesy. this woman is supposed to be 26 years old and she has the maturity of a 17 year old, fresh out of high school. everything about the storyline felt repetitive and boring and like the author was just trying to give the plot some substance, but failed miserably. i mean how many times can you put the phrase "antagonistic and unapproachable" in a book before it gets annoying?

the characters were hard to relate and connect with because they felt so underdeveloped and immature. the conflict of the story was annoying and felt to me like the author was grasping at straws to come up with a "plot twist" or "interesting climax". it was neither of those things for me. it also was VERY annoying how long it took the fmc to realize who the mmc was. i literally sat there complaining to my husband every time she compared the two guys and didn't connect that they were the same freaking person because it was unnecessarily drawn out and annoying.

i’m not dogging on any of you that enjoy this book. (don’t come at me please, i’ll cry). but i definitely was expecting much more from this read and sadly did not get that and i don’t understand the hype for this book at all…