A review by dan1066
Casting Shadows by Jeanne Cavelos

Cavelos has created the best B-5 trilogy yet. Her novels (Casting Shadows, Summoning Light, and Invoking Darkness) flesh out the background of the techno-mages and Galen's past. She meshes her material with the television series seamlessly and brings out nuances in character and situation. The relationship between the techno-mages and the Shadows is revealed in a striking manner that will satisfy any B-5 fan.

Though the most exciting B-5 trilogy I have yet read, Cavelos has a tendency to focus on emotional-turmoil and bringing the pacing of the plot to a complete and utter halt so a character can brood, mope, brood some more, mope again. Making matters worse, she repeats the same trite descriptions describing these feelings of melancholy and worthlessness over and over. But the rewards of completing this trilogy is worth the pitfalls in the prose. A must for any B-5 fan.