A review by asreadbyallie
Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood


Originally posted on Sleepless Reads:
Star Cursed was an amazing read, and I definitely enjoyed every second of it! (And yes, that does include the heart-breaking, and emotional parts as well).

Star Cursed takes place about a month after the events of Born Wicked, and Cate is now living with the Sisterhood in New London. Feeling misplaced and uncomfortable, she is constantly ridiculed and watched to make sure that she is the prophesied one that will lead their world out of evil. However, when her sisters arrive, the divide between the Sisterhood gets bigger, and the Brotherhood's control over is getting stricter than ever. But the people are rebelling and asking for change, and the time has come for the witches to rise once again.

I loved this book so much- it was fast paced, entertaining, and accelerating at the same time! I can guarantee you that this book does not have second book syndrome, and you will LOVE it!

Born Wicked was a good read and I really liked the world that Jessica Spotswood created, and I enjoyed the parallels in Cahill Witch world and our world as well; it really made you think, and it makes you reflect the actions in our history as people.

Although Star Cursed was as enjoyable as Born Wicked and met all my expectations- and it was also so much more.

The plot of this story was not a light, nor was it fluffy or cute; it was brutal, honest, heart-breaking, and scary at some points. It was hard reading parts of this book because abuse, deteriorating relationships, manipulation, public murder, inequality, oppression, and the poverty that was heavily emphasized to show how to Brotherhood have used their power negatively and out of fear.

In this book, everyone is looking for the prophesized one of the Cahill girls; and when I mean everyone, I really do mean everyone. From the Brotherhood to the Sisterhood, everyone is either falling over or trying to kill (mostly kill) the Cahill sisters.

They do everything in their power to get the sisters to show their true abilities: from arresting innocent women and sending them to Harewood or work ships; to burning books; to actually turning the three against each other. I guess you can say it was scary because no one cares about what will happen to the girls and the others except for Cate, Tess, Finn, and few other allies. Other than that, everyone seems okay about killing other people.

I think what makes Star Cursed an amazing and enjoyable read is the fact that all the characters have matured since the first book. They all had their own particular roles, and reading them interact and grow as the plot progressed made me so happy that this book didn't suffer SBS, but it also made me laugh, made me cry, and made me just wanting a happier ending.

This book does play at your heartstrings, and you can really feel the battles going on within Cate internally. She not only has to deal with her choice of becoming a sister and claiming that she is the prophesized one, but she has to deal with the fact that there are actually people outside the Sisterhood that need her help; she has to make the heartbreaking decision of choosing whether to bide her time and do things correctly, or act immediately to make sure that threats both inside and outside the Sisterhood won't jeopardize not only others, but the witches and their loved ones as well.

She also has to deal with leaving her fiancé, Finn Belastra, and her sisters, behind. But she also gets to learn more about her family history and her witch heritage. There are a lot of forces against this poor girl, but what I found amazing in this book is that even when she had moments of doubt and hesitation, she found a way to redeem herself for her actions and make things right. She doesn't back down, and since she has been in the Sisterhood, she's learned to become a leader.

This book didn't hide anything, and it wasn't afraid to show what people would do when they're desperate and want change. It shows what extremes people will go to live and survive, and to break their destiny's.

This book was, in a nutshell, amazing. Wonderful. Accelerating. Action-packed. Lovely. However you want to spin it, you can't deny that this book was awesome. If you haven't already, you should go read the Cahill Witch Chronicles ASAP! This series isn't like your ordinary YA historical fantasy series- it's a series about sisterhood, friendship, family, freedom, and of course equality.