A review by rareadss
The Purple Haze by Andrew Einspruch



First and foremost I want to thank book tasters for giving me the opportunity to read this book. I really appreciate it, and I am beyond grateful. This is my full honest review

When I chose the book I did it because I wanted to try and read some fantasy and between the intriguing name and the fact that the cover is purple (purple being my favourite colour), I chose this book immediately.

I started the book with a  lot of hype, very excited to read it and the first few chapters I read incredibly fast because they help quite a bit with the pacing, but my excitement started to go down while I got through the book. I do want to say the short chapters are amazing and the actual plot was good and I enjoyed it, but I think I didn’t like it as much because I was not in a fantasy mood as much as I thought I was.

Now, the actual book, this story is about Eloise who is the princess of The Western Lands and All That Really Matters kingdom and how she goes on a journey to find her twin sister who she didn't know she had.

There are other incredible characters in this book that make it really good and even funny. I didn’t laugh out loud at any moment during the process of reading it but I did have fun in some parts.

I do want to clarify that the rating is not high because at one point I was actually planning on dnf-ing it but because I do not let myself dnf books because I like to have a proper opinion on the books I read, I got through those rough patches and to be honest I am very happy I continued because it got a bit better than I expected and are those little parts that made the book a bit better that helped me figured out what rating to give this book.

Again, thank you so much for book tasters for letting me read this book as my first book for free in exchange of a review, and I cannot wait for next month’s pick.