A review by beorn_101
Defenders of the Ultramar by Graham McNeill


Be warned there is next to no plot here, and the dialogue is just flat out BAD. Once the fight begins in this story, the dialogue is basically just announcing what the illustrations are already showing, "I come for thee monster," "I will smash da 'umie" stuff like that, to the point where I stopped reading the speech bubbles and just followed the illustrations

Orks attack, Space Marines fight, literally, you can read that and read nothing else from the story and understand what is happening.

The artwork itself is a mixed bag, I found myself liking it, but then seeing a character with a wonky face, or someone who I had no idea who they were.

Every single character in the story is flat and one dimensional, I couldn't even tell them apart really.

Not a great addition to the Warhammer lore, which is a shame, as visually this should be a treat. It makes the classic mistake of too much action, with no substance.