A review by megatron_
The Devil to Pay by K.C. Bateman, Kate Bateman


Renaissance set romance?
Mercenary Hero?
Snarky Heroine?


Need anymore be said? Probably not. By this point you’ve already bought the book, and surely you’re already halfway into devouring what is not your typical renaissance romance.
But if you haven’t and you’re not I will expand on why I REALLY LIKED THIS BOOK.

What the blurb doesn’t tell you about is K.C Bateman’s writing style. The dialogue is witty, the banter snarky, the history and background well researched and the action scenes thrilling! This alone with a smattering of typical romance would have made this book fine. Ok... Nice... A 3 Star book.
But Bateman’s style of romance makes this book fantastic. No cut away scenes when things are just getting juicy.

Bateman delivers STEAM.

Although there are a few of the classic romantic tropes to be found in The Devil to Pay Bateman handles them humour and thrills. The nipple pastry scene is a particular favourite. If I callus I’d give this a 4.5 stars.

Needless to say Bateman more than won her $1 bet with her husband.
I can’t wait to see if Bateman’s next book will also be set in 15th century Italy or if she will go back to her regency roots. Either way I will devour it eagerly.