A review by ajcain92
Alby's Amazing Book by Catalina Echeverri


When I was younger, my family spent some time staying at a cabin where we were able to see all kinds of wildlife, including raccoons on the back porch, and an albino squirrel. I have always loved watching squirrels, as they are such beautiful and funny creatures, but that albino squirrel has always stuck in my mind as one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen.

So when I received Alby’s Amazing Book in the mail, I was excited to read and review it, since right on the cover is an albino squirrel! And Alby’s Amazing Book didn’t disappoint.

Alby’s Amazing Book introduces children to a unique squirrel named Alby who would rather go to the library and read than playing chase, or hunting for acorns. Alby loves reading, but he has one book that is his favorite above all the other: the Bible!

Filled with adorable, decoupage-style illustrations, children are sure to find Alby’s Amazing Book captivating, and parents will appreciate that it encourages children to read the Scriptures for themselves.

Overall, Alby’s Amazing Book is a beautiful book that children and parents alike will enjoy, and I would give it a “B+”.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a copy of the book free from the publisher through Cross Focused Reviews. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 .