A review by sari_king
Ghosted by Sarah Ready


Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ghosted by Sarah Ready had all the potential for a charming and whimsical romance with a supernatural twist, but it ultimately disappointed me. The premise of a socially awkward dating expert, Jillian, being pursued by a charming ghost, Daniel, was intriguing. However, the execution fell short in several critical ways.

One of the most glaring issues was the lack of attention to detail and basic research. The portrayal of New York City was superficial, lacking authenticity and depth, detracting from the overall experience.

The writing style came across as juvenile, with an overreliance on the word "says" as a dialogue tag and awkward chapter transitions that left me disoriented. The character development left much to be desired. Jillian's quirkiness bordered on instability, and her interactions with others felt contrived. It was challenging to root for a love story when one of the characters seemed so erratic.

The romance between Jillian and Daniel didn't feel genuine. The book's first half was fast-paced and enjoyable, but the second half lost its charm. The plot became predictable, and the story dragged on for far too long, making it feel like it was reaching for a word/page count rather than focusing on storytelling.

Additionally, the book's pacing issues and the main character's behavior made her appear as a stalker for a significant portion of the story. This aspect of the narrative was unsettling and detracted from the supposed romance.

In the end, Ghosted by Sarah Ready had potential, but it failed to deliver its promise. With better research, editing, and character development, this story could have been a delightful romantic comedy. Unfortunately, it fell short of expectations and left me feeling unsatisfied.