A review by laurak23
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


Once again, I'm cursing myself for not writing my review right after finishing this book. I went back and forth a little as to whether I wanted to rate this 4 or 5 stars, but I eventually settled on 5. This book was exciting, and I definitely wanted to know more, to keep listening, and to get all the answers now. However, since there is one more book in this series, I knew we wouldn't have all the answers yet. There was both pleasure and annoyance in that knowledge.

Again, lots of spoilers ahead...

Whenever I pictured Gwenllian in my head, I basically envisioned Helena Bonham-Carter as Bellatrix in the Harry Potter movies. I know that doesn't fit the description 100%, but it was pretty close, and it made me laugh to picture someone like her climbing the tree in Blue's yard, or running around the house eating mayonnaise. I'm very interested to see what happens with her character next.

Speaking of weird, anachronistic characters...Artemus! I'm really interested to see what happens with him, especially with the Gray Man and Maura. Bizarre love triangle ahead! I know he will have some hand in helping the boys find the namesake of the next book, [b:The Raven King|17378527|The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, #4)|Maggie Stiefvater|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1423501421s/17378527.jpg|24170172], aka Glendower. And hopefully he can explain Blue's face on the tapestry (and on the Page of Cups card?). I assume it's because it's a relative from long ago? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this storyline in the next book.

Did anyone else totally love Jesse Dittley? A giant man who lives only on Spagettios? Even though we knew his ultimate fate, it was still sad to see happen. I especially liked Will Patton's voice for Jesse. It fit the character perfectly.

Speaking of love...Ronan made hand cream for Adam. I wanted more of Adam's thoughts on Ronan's affections for him, because he does know it's there. At least it did freak him out when he thought Ronan was dying. AND he did everything he could to help take down Greenmantle. I still hold out hope for some real, actual, canon Ronan/Adam love. Yet another thing I'm hoping to see in book four...

I was expecting more from Malory. I don't know what, exactly, but...I don't know, I felt a little let down by his appearance. He didn't really do anything important or helpful, did he? I liked his dog, though I always half expected it to talk or turn into a human or something. Maybe in book four?

I didn't like the chapters with Colin and Piper. At least the antagonists in the first two books were mysterious and creepy. Colin and Piper were just annoying. I feel like that was the weakest part of this book, and was left a little disappointed.

The whole underground animal thing was weird but also pretty cool. I liked that Blue and Ronan had some actual interactions. I feel like they're always in the group together, but never actually interact. I was hoping that this would help Blue not hate Ronan so much, and really, vice versa. I guess we'll see what happens in the next book. I'd like to think that he called her "maggot" out of affection...

However, I wasn't surprised to see Neeve pop up at the end there, and use Piper to open the tomb and awaken the sleeper. And, can I just say that I'm both excited and terrified to see what that sleeper does? Because I'm pretty certain that's the sleeper they weren't supposed to wake up.

My biggest upset in this book? I was so not prepared for Persephone to die. I was especially aggravated because they have a freaking death list! But, like Blue casually mentioned earlier in the book, they apparently only see the spirits of people originally from that area. So I guess she wasn't born around there, and that's why she wasn't on the list? I don't know. It surprised me and upset me and I shake my fist at Stiefvater!

I feel like there were other things I wanted to talk about, but I don't remember. I can't wait for the next book. It's exciting and frustrating to know that I have to wait until September!