A review by jmckendry
The Opposite of Hate: A Field Guide to Repairing Our Humanity by Sally Kohn


Everyone needs to read this book. Liberal or Conservative, Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Jew, straight or gay, neo-nazi or terrorist or pacifist, we all need this book. Spread this like our humanity depends on it, because it does. The opposite of hate is not love, it is connection.

As I've read some other review for this book, I noticed people claiming that Sally Kohn didn't fact check or that she misquoted peopleā€¦ honestly, I didn't research whether those claims were accurate or not, but even if she misquoted people or didn't fully fact check, it doesn't change the fact that hate is eating away at our humanity, and it doesn't change her discovery on how we can improve ourselves and our world by creating connection spaces. Even if the book isn't entirely accurate, the overall point of it is so important for us all. It's a great read, either way.