A review by bookwormbunny
The Danger Dance by Caro Soles


When I started reading The Danger Dance by Caro Soles I was shocked at how quickly the author hooked me into the story and me page-turning. Being an avid reader of science fiction novels, I knew this book would pique my interest, but I had no idea that it would be done so thoroughly. Let me just say this...this is the first book that I have read by this author and I can easily say I recommend other people read it.
The author introduced to two Merculians hermaphrodites Eulio and his lover Orosin. Eulio is an exceptional dancer whose troup is about to go on a tour. These two lovers are looped into a plot of intrigue by a mysterious individual to learn who is a traitor and funneling out information to pirates. Since Orosin went to the academy, he is told that the tour he was spared from having to do after the academy is now being forced upon him. You can easily imagine how unhappy he is with this development because it means his family connections were for nothing and so many years have passed since his academy days. All they are supposed to do is gather information, discover the culprit and make sure the proper authorities are alerted. Sounds simple right? Well! The author does a beautiful job of creating a tapestry of mystery, intrigue, drama and danger to show that there is nothing that simple.
I couldn't get enough of these characters! The author layers them with others throughout the story and it just kept pulling me along as I was eager to try to figure out who the traitor was. I had my suspicions about a couple, and I sensed the danger in another. The drama between the characters is so good that I almost could believe that they were real individuals. I love how diverse they are from the different areas that they each hail from. I love that the author shows that some of the characters were less honorable than others perceived them. One would think that a captain of a ship would be infallible, but it turns out that he's one to keep a close eye on and his age has nothing to do with him no longer being fit for the position as captain. All I can say is that there is one scene that literally had my jaw on the floor from shock. I tip my hat to the author for that one.
There honestly is only one thing that I didn't like about this book and it was how quickly some of the characters were introduced to me. I have to admit that I got a couple of them confused as to who was whom after a certain scene played out, but I got them sorted out. I guess I would just simply suggest paying close attention to the character's names as you're reading so you don't get who's who mixed up as I did.
All in all, I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. This is an engaging science fiction space drama mystery thriller. It has so much going on. Yes, there are some MILD sex scenes, but they aren't graphic. One is more in-depth than the others, but not detailed. These characters must face many challenges and I love how the story plays out. If you are an avid reader of science fiction this book is a must. I look forward to reading more of this author's work in the future.