A review by lucasmiller
Selected Poems by George Oppen


I first heard of Oppen by listening to a PoemTalk podcast in which Al Filreis and guest read and talk about Oppen's poem "Ballad." This was a period in my life when I used to visit the PennSound website often and just listen to poetry readings. I went to Oppen's page and became obsessed by "Of Being Numerous." I purchased and read this collection a few years ago.

My reading life has changed a lot. A lot of this collection was unfamiliar, it felt a lot harder than I remember. The later poems being very opaque. Needing to sit with them for awhile, reading some over a couple of times. The 26 fragments at the end of this collection is something I'm very glad I have on my bookshelf.

Oppen is still probably my favorite poet. It feels like a very private thing to read. He loved small words. He loved being specific and clear in his writing. There is something elemental about it all. It feel vast and unadorned. Highly recommended.