A review by miiisch
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


I went into this book not really knowing what to expect. I thought the whole book would be about Inej's rescue and the gang having to fight against everything Jan Van Eck had to offer in order to get their friend back. I don't think that would have been necessarily bad but I liked it a lot that they managed to get her out this fast and that she was still a big part of the story.
I also thought it was rather realistic for their first plan(s) to go horribly wrong and I didn't see the plot twist with Pekka Rollins coming at all! It was just another gesture to show how corrupt and unfair the system really is but I was still shocked that everyone, even the Dregs, had turned on them.
I also didn't know what the outcome of the story would be right until the end and didn't see through Kaz's plan until the details were revealed. Also I had a minor heart attack when Wylan was 'kidnapped' and brought to his father.
But no matter how smart and good the story was and how beautiful the book was written, I think the characters are the thing I loved most. Every character grew to me so much and since we learned each one's backstory in the first book there was a lot of space for individual character development, which I loved. The romance between Wylan and Jesper getting ahead, Matthias and Nina finally kissing and Inej and Kaz holding hands! I never thought I'd be this excited about two fictional characters holding hands but I was so happy and also proud of them!
I think Kaz Brekker's journey was my favourite. Although he was reckless and aggressive and really fucked up tbh I loved him so much. I admire Leigh Bardugo for managing to make a character with such a background and attitude so likeable. Even though Kaz did horrible things I was able to see his motives and could see why he did what he did (I didn't say I agree with his actions fully, but I understand them.). Also I think it's really amazing how his PTSD wasn't swept under the rug but treated as the condition it actually is.
I think two of my favourite scenes (although I cried while reading both) were the one where Kaz and Jesper are fighting and Kaz calls him 'Jordie' and the other one was where Kaz treats Inej's wounds.
Of course there were many more scenes I loved (Nina and Matthias' kiss, almost every scene where Wylan and Jesper were alone, all of the last few chapters, etc.) but these two scenes, especially the second one, really touched me and I think about them a lot.
Another thing I loved was the insight into Jesper's relationship to his parents and also to his Grisha power and Wylan being by his side to help and support him at all times.
I've read a lot of comments and reviews that were unhappy about Matthias' death. Not only about the fact that he died but also the way he died. A lot of people say it's lame and somehow inappropriate but I disagree. Of course I was sad (actually 'devastated' would probably be a more fitting word) but I think the way he died, by the hand of a boy that's so much like he was only a year ago, who was drilled into thinking a certain way, who couldn't see beyond the things his brothers and his commanders told him, was so powerful and tragic. He died seeing his former self in front of him, believing in his people enough to think that they could change and even being surprised when the boy actually shoots him.
I think the ending was great and probably the happiest possible scenario to come out of all of this. I loved the book and in my opinion it was a wonderful sequel/finish to the series.