A review by shansays
Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! by Kim Barnouin, Rory Freedman


I had a love hate with this book. It's been awhile since I have thought about why one becomes a vegan or even a vegetarian. Physically, I had been feeling run down, and had started eating a vegetarian diet again. My oncologist had been pushing the idea of me giving up cheese for about 3 years. He was a huge fan of the book "The China Study." For the most part I had been keeping a low fat unprocessed diet, but in the last year cheese had started taking over my diet, along with bread, and crackers.

Anyway, I picked up Skinny Beach for a vegan pick me up. I have lived in NY long enough to understand the gimmick of "the skinny beach" concept. The book is already starting to feel a little dated, but it was a good reminder of why processed food is the devil, and how disgusting factory farming of animals truly is.

If you need a quick pick me up on why you need to eat better, this is good quick fix, but there are absolutely better books out there that delve deeper into the reasons to eat a vegan diet, and live a vegan lifestyle. And you can read them without being called a bitch.