A review by mechee91
Bury the Living by Jodi McIsaac


With an intriguing mixture of Irish mythology and politics, Author Jodi McIsaac has created a new historical fiction series for the masses. The Easter Rising happened just over 100 years ago and sometimes it is easier for people to forget the pain and hardships that the Irish people went through to get to the point that they are at today. Starting in 2005, we are wiped back in time to just after the Tan wars to when it was quickly becoming a Civil War in the North with Catholics and Protestants each fighting for their homes and their lives. We follow Nora O’Reilly from Belfast to Kildare and through time to help the mysterious man haunting her dreams.

As enjoyable as I found this first book, I did find myself doing separate research on certain parts of history that McIsaac glossed over or assumed the reader knew or didn’t need to know. Typically I find that historical fiction writers can add too much history and bog down the fiction but in this case it was the reverse. The fight for independence and freedom in Ireland is a complicated and nuanced history, but I felt that parts of the story were very one sided. Though that may have just been part of the writing style. If you like Irish history, historical fiction, and some time-travelling women this would be a great book for you. The second book of the series comes out on the 17th of January 2017, so I look forward to reviewing it as well.