A review by melhara
Field Guide to Invasive Species of Minnesota by Amelia Gorman


This was a collection of 21 poems with each poem dedicated to a specific invasive species that can be found in Minnesota (hence the name of this book).

To be honest, I didn't know many of these species (such as the Brittle Naiad, Edodea, Sea Lamprey, and many more.) which I think affected my understanding of the poem (I didn't understand most of the poems).

Of the 21 poems, there was really only two poems that I quite liked - the Norway Maple and the Trapdoor Snail.

I think reading the Author's Note first, before reading the poems, helped me understand and appreciate the poems a bit more. Ultimately though, I think I would've enjoyed this book more if I was more familiar with the Minnesotan landscape and environment, and if I was more familiar with some of these invasive species.

*I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

***#20 of my 2021 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge - Read a book of nature poems ***