A review by merlin_reads
The Secret Hour by Scott Westerfeld


 I've got to give props to Westerfeld, this was definitely an original idea. A hidden hour that lies directly at midnight that only a few can see. Can you just imagine? The clock strikes midnight and the world around you freezes, but you can still move among it. Really cool.

Meet the Midnighters, a group of teens who were born exactly as the clock struck midnight thus allowing them to see the 'blue time' - the space in-between. But it's not all fun and games. Other things lurk in the 'blue time' - ancient things. And these ancient things want to get back into the real world.

For the most part, I enjoyed this book. It's really hard to come across a completely unique story line now with how many YA books are out there, but Westerfeld managed that. I found that I wanted more information though about their history and their purpose (both the kids and the things in the dark). It almost seemed like this book just barely scrapped the surface of the lore.

As for the characters themselves, well, they were okay. I really liked Jonathan and didn't understand everyone else's aversion to him. Jessica was a little naive, but I don't know if it was because of her being the new girl or if that's just her, Dess was very juvenile, Rex was ok but seemed a little controlling, and then Melissa I just flat out didn't like. Sorry that your talent kind sucks for you but that doesn't give you the right to treat other people like shit.

I would be interested in seeing where this series goes and if the characters mature and plots get flushed out more.