A review by xreadingwithdemi
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin


4.5 stars rounded up!

I have a habit where I try and guess what the plot twists will be, and although I had an inkling for some of the ones included in this book, I was wayyyyy off with just how big the scale of them were!

The book centres around two timelines:
1 - Four Wall Street execs in an elevator escape room.
2 - The life of Sara Hall as she enters the world of Wall Street Finance.

I enjoyed the dual time line, although I felt as just as I was getting into one of them and wanting to know more, it switched, which really just meant I kept reading so definitely not a bad thing! This was one of my first full on thriller books that I've read, so I'm aware I don't have a whole lot to compare it to, but overall I really enjoyed the book.

The four execs are completely irredeemable, which meant I got to enjoy them sweat it out in a small dark space, because as the story progresses, you realise just how much they deserve it.

It's not a 5 star read for two reasons:
Spoiler 1 - I felt like Lucy was written very stereotypically. Autism is such a vast spectrum and to stick to the stereotype of "off the scale book smart but 0 social skills" feels a little bit lazy? Maybe that's just me. (also so so so mad that she dies. #justiceforlucy)

2 - Sara ends up losing her job due to what I assume is the rest of the team messing with her work to get her fired, but it's never actually explained what role the rest of the team played in that, or if Sara was actually messing up her work herself.

Overall, really enjoyed this book, and looking forward to reading more thrillers!