A review by openmypages
The Wild Ones by Nafiza Azad


{3.5 stars}

"Being broken doesn't mean ceasing to exist or remaining broken forever, it means a chance to recover and reconstruct."


The Wild Ones is one of the most fun, girl-power, emotionally wrought fantasy books I've ever read. Paheli and her group of eleven girls living between the world of humans and magic. Each has a story of pain, abuse and marginalization from which they were saved by embedding a magic star in their palms. This has given them immortality and the ability to move between the worlds but it also limits them to living within cities and being invisible to humans unless they expend magic. When they are confronted by the truth of the magic that has saved them, they need to fight to save the boy who saved them and for their very existence.

I love the female loyalty and fierce unwavering support to save not only themselves but other girls facing the same fates that they did. The magic is fun and unusual and of course, the baddie is easy to hate and rally against. The writing is absolutely delicious, it's so descriptive and beautiful - it makes me want to live in this world.

Thanks to Booksparks for a copy of this novel. All opinions above are my own.