A review by kelly04
Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After by Sophia Dembling


If, like me, you are familiar with introversion and/or relationship psychology at all, at lot of the content of this book will be review. I was surprised, therefore, when I found the book making me stop and think regardless.

I guess that's the advantage of having an introvert author; just having that viewpoint taken and articulated by the text was encouraging at several points. Introvert that I am, I had never been that into the dating scene, so I picked up the book wanting a light, quick, but focused discussion of how introversion impacts attraction, dating, and relationships. And that's exactly what I got.

This is the sort of book that you bring your own baggage to, so if you know yourself to be an introvert or to be in a relationship with one, I would recommend at least flipping through it. The chapters are short and easy to read through, and I would be willing to bet you'll find a line or two to ponder.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I'm related to a marriage counselor, so I can vouch for the author's recommended reading being top notch.