A review by anya_doesntmatter
Lover at Last by J.R. Ward



Lover At Last... the most anticipated book of the year. A solid 3.5 stars

Strap yourselves in. This is a very long review! I usually post praises first but for this book I'm posting the cons first since they eclipsed the main story, ruining my overall enjoyment. It pains me to state this but despite Ward's commendable efforts, this series is running on exhaust fumes. Here's why:


1) I would Have preferred a nice novella than an overloaded story full of side plots I could care less about. The slang. I used to like it until this book. The words used were at times ridiculous/ outdated (homie anyone?) and or inappropriately placed. Verbage! There's nothing sexy about reading the words "twinkle twinkle little star" during what is supposed to be an intense love scene.

2) Speaking of love scenes:
Was I the only one screaming: "Lube! For the love of God Qhuinn you need lube!"?
That oversight (purposeful?) had me cringe in pain for poor Blay. I understand this series is mainstream and some readers may not be interested in reading graphic sex, I get that but we are all adults here and I think in regards to sex the basic rules of how certain sexual acts are accomplished should at least be accurate. Man or woman, when it comes to anal sex both genders have to use lube, there's no such thing as "gay sex". sex is sex. If this were a heterosexual couple would Ward have written these scenes lubeless and no stretching before getting down and dirty? I think it's possible to write erotic scenes accurately without alienating readers. If you are going to commit to writing an m/m storyline be true in your approach.

3) Lack of character growth/ writing development:
EXAMPLE 1: Would she please integrate the Shellans more? I'd recommend starting by giving Beth more responsibilities as the Queen. Beth had a career before Wrath. What is this super smart lady doing on a daily basis?
EXAMPLE 2: Tres and iAm.... God, I love these guys but why is it with the introduction of a new species ( now we're delving into the Shadows' world), the person that is a member of that group ( in this case Tres), turns out to be the king, prince, person of uber value to that species?! WTH? We need a new theme here. This has been done already. Revhenge even acknowledges it.

4) Predictable plot lines:
Who's surprised Payne intervened on behalf of the young?
Who's surprised Qhuinn's brother is alive? ( and considering Tohr's book we had a couple years time leap), exactly how long has Luchas been stuck in that cabin in the woods?

5) This is a biggie for me: I wanted the bonding scent dammit! I noticed it lacking throughout the intimate scenes and though it finally occurred during a beautiful poignant moment I felt jipped because it belongs during moments of intimacy as well, especially after these two got their act together.

6) I guess marriage inequality exists in the vampire world too? Everyone elses Mating ceremony occurred in their individual books. No mating ceremony with name carving etc. traditional ceremony that recognized their union as fated. as mated. Maybe she'll do this in a future book, I just wish it were in this one. Not having it begged the question: Why? I think Ward did this to keep us Qhuay lovers coming back for more. Their romance has been story arch fodder since Phury's book and a lot of people have stated they will jump ship after Qhuay's book... I admit, I am one of them! So far no other story lines interest me.

7) Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" Really?! How old are Qhuinn and Blaylock again? Considering the music they listen to, I did not think, in a million years, either of them would select this song.

8) Too many new characters: thankfully the new story lines did not overwhelm Qhuinn and Blay's book.I mentioned above that I'd skip the couple pages dedicated to the Lessers, now I'm skipping whole chapters... that's not good! I know Ward wants to prolong the series, these guys are wonderful but it's time to put a dagger in it. Seriously.

9) This cover is hot, I love it BUT since Blay is a sort of "brother" I think he should have been on the cover too , right behind Qhuinn's shoulder would have been perfect, he's a major character completely cover worthy

*Ward, can we PLEASE with sugar on top get a novella with Qhuay's mating ceremony? Milk it for everything its worth. Put BLAYLOCK on the Cover! I'll buy it! Was that your plan all along? hmmmm?...*


1) Reacquainting readers with Qhuinn and Blaylock's history, this story is about 4 years in the making. Thats a lot of history to remember over the course of 5 books.

2) Expressions of love, duty, devotion:

Moments of Heartache: "And as he held his first true lover against him, feeling that familiar difference in their heights and smelling that wonderful cologne, part of him wanted to debate this break up until they both gave in and kept trying.
But that wasn’t fair."
( Blay and Saxon)
Touching moments: "In so many ways, he had wanted this his whole life—or at least ever since he’d survived his transition and had any sexual impulse at all. This moment was the culmination of countless daydreams and innumerable fantasies, his secret desire made manifest." Tense, explosive emotional moments: "No Qhuinn, you have no idea who you are. You're gay!" were all well written. Qhuinn's worthiness: "I will take your honor over any bloodline." Moments in which Wrath proved by words that he can live up to his moniker: "I am very comfortable with conflict, be it of the legal or mortal kind. My father was a mediator, a bridge maker. I am a grave maker.". Moments in which realization of an unhealthy relationship crystalizes for Saxton and the mature level way in which he handles it. Phury explaining to Qhuinn how short sighted Layla and he were when they made the life changing decision to have a child. All these well written thought provoking moments made this book a sublime read.

3) The use of the Shellans in a practical sense that doesn't seem forced. Layla and Beth chatting over magazines? Priceless.

4) Expanding cast of characters:
This is both a strength and weakness, the host of new characters that started trickling in since Payne's book breathe new life into the brotherhood. While the BOB are interesting and will be a formidable foe (if that's the direction Ward takes it), my curiosity is not picque'd enough to care. I can't even recall half their names. There's a host more and Ward has started planting their storyline seeds but I will not lie, I shamelessly skimmed most of it because I want Qhuinn and Blaylock dammit!

In conclusion:
Am I still emotionally invested in the BDB? Do I care how deep the rabbit hole goes? Do I want to undertake this whole new adventure... this new chapter with the brothers? I have to ponder that a bit more. Ward, wrote a wonderful book She delivered in terms of writing an engaging tale but was it enough for me? Unfortunately no. I doubt I'll drive myself stir crazy in anticipation of the next book. Or rush out to buy it. There's very little depth or growth in the characters and that is a huge turn off for me. I'd rather this series end with a bang but unfortunately with no end in sight, it appears the Brotherhood will fizzle with a whimper, slowly abandoned by once rabid readers. I have no doubt that growth will eventually occur but 11 books in I've exhausted myself waiting to see it happen. And if it doesn't happen soon not even Lassiter, that sexxi Bad boi angel can sway me to stay.