A review by tien
Sky Pirates by Liesel Schwarz


Please note this is a review of the third book of The Chronicles of Light and Shadow and there may be spoilers in respect to earlier books (you can check my review on book1, here, & book 2, here)

I was taken by surprised with the darker tone in book 2 and was left heartbroken at the end of it so I needed to know where this story will go next. And again, I was taken totally by surprised in the change of direction as Sky Pirates was actually a really fun read –not dark at all. In fact, it was rather more like a romance novel involving pirates but of steampunk variety.

Elle Chance was still her spunky self despite her sorrow. Actually, due to her misery, she’s thrown herself into work and a number of treacherous situations. I recalled being annoyed by Elle in book 2 but not at all in Sky Pirates -not even a little bit; all her decisions and actions did not irritate me in any way. In fact, I really like her in this book and I hope this direction of her character development will continue in the next instalment.

Whilst I was a little disappointed by the lack of presence of Hugh Marsh though this was made up by the unexpected appearance of Logan Dashwood whom we have met in earlier instalments. He’s given a much bigger role in this book and I must say, quite dashing as well. I am intrigued by the ending of this book and very excited about book #4!

Thank you, Del Rey, for copy of eARC via Netgalley