A review by csgvassar
Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson


gods in Alabama was a very fun read for me. As one who thinks I'm smarter than I actually am and revels in the challenge of figuring out a mystery, I was drawn to both the twisting tale and the sassy, I'm-in-control (or so I think) star of the novel, Lena. Lena had left her hometown years ago and sworn she would never return (or fornicate or lie) if God would keep the body hidden. Yet, for various reasons, she's returning home to the South and bringing a multitude of issues with her.

I cherished that in a complicated world of cultural diversity (racial, regional, educational, etc.), Joshilyn Jackson painted real people with all their prejudices and stereotypes, but also with their love and devotion. Another flashback novel, the plot moved quickly and always left me with curiosity as it switched from past to present.

Jackson's say it like it is writing and colorful characters made the book for me. She didn't dance around her images, but dropped me plumb in the middle of the Wal-mart clothing section and the high school make-out spot. Although the characters are your typical high school football star, misfit, preacher's wife, step-mom (sorta), etc., Jackson took my stereotypes and added another layer to each character so that their actions and speech resulted in people I felt like I knew as well as Lena.

Once again, the ending left something to be desired in my book. It was a wonderful twist and contributed greatly to what the reader learns about people and herself, but I just have to groan when everything is tied up with a bow and there are no loose ends. I do recognize that I'm the misfit here and most readers find great joy in this wholeness.