A review by lilyrooke
To Astera, With Love by Amanda Ross


A vampire in the White House, it's a no holds barred battle of witches versus vampires as Mercury and his friends flee across the country to reach Astera and supposed safety. I really enjoyed this book, loved the fast pace and the way the author didn't shy away from the darker aspects of the world. I thought the parallels of racism and the historical legacy of the atrocities committed against the witches was so clever. The parallel narrative of the magazine articles written from the point of view of a witch and vampire sympathisers was such a fascinating touch, playing on the kind of incendiary language we've grown accustomed to in the last few years. I would have loved to have got to know the characters a little better, but they were all set up well and I'm so looking forward to the sequel. Highly recommended for fans of fast-paced stories, it gave me big High School of the Dead vibes.