A review by thebookberrie
The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 6 by Jun Mochizuki


In this volume we fully meet the mysterious people from the previous volume that took Noé.

There's a really gross scene of Noé getting literally assaulted and drank from without his consent and it gave me a stomach ache, it was so icky.

At first I was like, wow I really don't give a single fuck about either of these people as we are getting Chloé's entire life story but eventually I was locked in. Her story with Jean Jacques, along with her friendship with August Ruthven was utterly fascinating and so atmospheric.

I feel like I am finally understanding a bit of the lore but then we get musical instruments automation hybrids, a machine experiment to change the world formula, and talking about a repeating pocket world in an alternate past and then I'm going HUH? Very creative I must say. I can truly say I've never seen anything like this.

Vanitas being super worried about Noé but not wanting to say it is so precious.