A review by savaging
Complete Novels: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter / Reflections in a Golden Eye / The Ballad of the Sad Café / The Member of the Wedding / Clock Without Hands by Carson McCullers


"He waited for the black, terrible anger as though for some beast out of the night. But it did not come to him. His bowels seemed weighted with lead, and he walked slowly and lingered against fences and the cold, wet walls of buildings by the way. Descent into the depths until at last there was no further chasm below. He touched the solid bottom of despair and there took ease."
-[b:The Heart is a Lonely Hunter|37380|The Heart is a Lonely Hunter|Carson McCullers|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1168914678s/37380.jpg|860196]

Read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, and if you also fall in love with these characters -- the brilliant little imp-tomboys and the enraged, intelligent black men -- then sit longer with these lesser-known works of McCullers. Her stories may be despairing, but the characters that she animates are complex and wonderful.

A joy to find an American book from the 40s with great instincts and ideas on gender, race, class, without being a self-consciously 'political work.'