A review by billyjepma
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Alex Kane


“Knights of the Old Republic” is arguably the game that made me fall forever in love with video games. So obviously, a book on its development and interviews with the team who made it—over a decade since the game first launched—is something I’m going to love.

And I did! Kane’s writing is strong, his structure solid, and he had a tremendous amount of quotes and anecdotes from the developers and fans of the game that help illustrate why it’s such an important and enduring classic. But it’s also *very* short, and doesn’t add anything new to the narrative of the game. It ends just when it should’ve dug deeper, and I was hoping the book would shed light on all aspects of the game’s development: the good, the bad, and the ugly. And this book doesn’t do that.

What it does do is provide a brief, but exciting, recap of why KotOR is so beloved to this day. It’s written with care, and I definitely finished it wanting to replay the game yet another time.