A review by ringthebell
Mother of All by Jenna Glass


As a whole, this trilogy is now cemented as one of my favorites. However, this last installment did leave a bit to be desired. I found myself bored in the beginning of the book. I just couldn’t get invested in the two male (trying for no spoilers here) around which it focused. M

As the book went on, I did enjoy the introduction of other new characters, but found myself dearly missing the old ones. Luckily, we do get to see them again and it is with their stories intertwined that I found myself back enthralled in the narrative.

The Epilogue of this book was wonderful. The overall summation of everyone’s stories brought me almost to tears that part could not have been done better.

The series as a whole is great. Again, If you’re looking for a fae romantic romp, this is not for you. The dialogue is not the driving force in these books, rather the descriptions, background and politics. I enjoyed these aspects. I will continue to recommend these books time and time again.