A review by smtvash
The Fitful Sleep of Immigrants by Orlando Ortega-Medina


A personal tale of queerness in 90s San Fran.
As someone who's been dealing with my mother's immigration status from El Salvador for several years now, a lot of the anxieties and feelings presented in this book felt super familiar.
They are the best parts of the book and I wish we could have had more of a POV on Isaac's experience.
The book combines this in parallel with the story of a traumatic incident and a manipulative hustler that contains also many elements of more negative queer experiences. The two worlds don't always mesh the best together and often it feels like one side of the story is distracting from the other.
But it ends up smoothing out towards the end.
I loved the exploration of LAW and what it means to a society with how they're placed and enforced, while we don't get a lot of it there's enough that I enjoyed.

Quite enjoyed this one and got through it rather quickly.