A review by reigna
Gone by Michael Grant


Okay, okay, this one won me over in the end. I felt that the beginning was rather clunky and hectic, as characters were introduced in rapid succession and the author made copious use of sentence fragments. Don't get me wrong, sentence fragments can be great when used effectively, but in this case it just felt stilted and robotic.

I think you have to wait until you get at least a third or half of the way through before Grant hits his stride. Even so, I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it had a great Lord-of-the-Flies premise and some nicely rounded characters. On another...it just felt really messy, you know?
SpoilerEspecially once talking mutated animals and a mysterious "Darkness" and weird morphy weapon-limbs appear.
There are just too many unexplained plot points left hanging for my liking and I don't know if I'm interested enough to finish the next five books.