A review by jenmat1197
Recruitment by K.A. Riley


This is a story about Kress. In a dystopian future, Kress and all the other 16 year olds in her town are about to turn 17. Everyone has the same birthday, and on the day they all turn 17, the government comes for them to initiate them into the army. For most of Kress' life the government has been at war with the Eastern Order. Each year, they gather the new 17 year olds, take them away, and they are never heard from again.

This year Kress and her friends will get to see what happens once the government trains you to fight the enemy. They are subject to weeks of training - both physical and mental. They are forced to work together as a group and told they are the key to winning the war. However, the longer the training goes on, the less anything about the war and the situation their country is in make sense. Kress and her friends set out to figure out what is really going on.

This was an okay book. I love dystopian novels, so anytime one is brought to my attention, I want to give it a chance. This one was just okay. It left me with more questions than answers - and not in a good way. Not where you want to see where the next novel is going to answer those questions and continue a really thrilling interesting story. Instead it was more questions about the sense of the story itself and all the plot holes. The book moved slow. The characters weren't very evolved. It just wasn't a great start to a series.

I won't be reading the rest. I am going to let this one go.