A review by warloujoyce
Apex Magazine Issue 56 by Sigrid Ellis


The moon came up and the sun went down. The moonbeams went shattering down to the ground and the jackalope wives took off their skins and danced.
Hmm, how can I explain that 5-star rating? I’d simply tell you to go ahead and read the story. I promise it’s worth your time. However, I’ll attempt to craft a brief review because this merits one.

Jackalope Wives is an example of why I became fond of short stories. There’s no scarcity of them and when I find a gem such as this one, I go back to wishing I can write like their authors do – because short stories, when executed well, are powerful and beautiful.

On the surface, this story is about jackalope wives who shed their rabbit skins at dusk and dance to wild music, as well as the folly of young men who think it’s justified to catch one for themselves.
“Of course it hurts her!” yelled Grandma. “You think you can have your skin and your freedom burned away in front of you and not scream? Sweet mother Mary, boy, think about what you’re doing! Be cruel or be kind, but don’t be both, because now you’ve made a mess you can’t clean up in a hurry.”
But this short story is ultimately about choice, consent, and consequences. How Vernon was able to weave those three together in a few pages without feeling forced or hurried is a triumph on its own. She also skillfully creates an excellent tale that combines wisdom and magic – two components that I cannot resist.

And let me tell you, Vernon knows how to leave an impression with her choice of words. I was rather fond of the following lines:
So the young man with the touch of magic watched the jackalope wife dancing and you know as well as I do what young men dream about. We will be charitable. She danced a little apart from her fellows, as he walked a little apart from his.

Perhaps he thought she might understand him. Perhaps he found her as interesting as the girls found him.

Perhaps we shouldn’t always get what we think we want.
“She was beautiful,” he said. As if it were a reason.

As if it mattered.

As if it had ever mattered.
P.S. Did I mention it’s free? Check out the Jackalope Wives here: http://www.apex-magazine.com/jackalope-wives/