A review by jeybey
Die kleine Buchhandlung im alten Postamt by Rachael Lucas


I discovered the book on my mother’s “reading stack” because of the playful cover that fits the story. I find the cover very appealing. It looks playful, romantic and is well drawn and designed. It is a pleasure to look at and discover the cover. “The little bookstore in the old post office” is a feel-good novel, warm and romantic. Simply for carefree reading hours for cozy evenings or on vacation. Even if the book addresses more serious topics (content note: domestic violence, cancer, unfulfilled desire to have children, loss), there is no great drama, just a little healthy world to drop. And invites you to feel good. The writing style is relaxed and cheerful, the pleasant length of the chapters makes the book entertaining and entertaining. In addition to the feelings, the humor is not neglected. Thanks to the pictorial descriptions, I literally had the landscape in mind and could imagine a picture of what life is like in the Cotswolds.

The main characters are authentic and sympathetic, but the plot and also characters remain superficial. The story is predictable and very straightforward. The many supporting characters are rather marginal work and not properly integrated into the plot, which is a pity, as some have a lot of potential to make the story more interesting. Who knows maybe you can learn more about them in a third volume?

In the last third, the story picks up speed and it gets exciting. You are feverish and hope for a happy ending, which is unfortunately dealt with too quickly. I find the end too abrupt and would have liked to have been a little more detailed.

In my opinion, the author has not fully exhausted the possibilities. There were some entanglements, but there was a lack of atmosphere and more surprising twists that are not so predictable. It is a soulful feel-good novel that is about self-discovery, love, family and friendship, but lacks tension and unexpected actions/descendants. In retrospect, I would have preferred to read it in English, because English humor is often lost in the German translation. Maybe I would have given 4 stars. Nevertheless, I give a reading recommendation for all those who simply want to fall into the book and feel good.