A review by bookofcinz
Dew Angels by Melanie Schwapp


Updated January 31, 2019

Dew Angels is Melanie Schwapp’s debut novel. Dew Angels follows the life of Nola Chambers, Jamaican girl born into a family and community who thinks having dark skin is an offense and proceeds to treat Nola as such. The community of Redding in Jamaica prides itself on its “light-skinned” people, so much so, Nola stuck out like a sore thumb and she was made to not forget it by those around us. A coming of age novel, we meet Nola at age thirteen trying to navigate a world where her sister gets preferred treatment, where her father treats her less than and her mother is mute and turns a blind eye to all these things happening to her.

Nola’s world begins to open up when her school principal places her into a study group with Dahlia and Delroy. Their bond begins to grow stronger than they expected with each day they spend together doing school work. While Dahlia’s Mother Merlene is viewed by the community of a woman of ill-repute, Nola cannot help but admire how close Dahlia is to her mother. Dahlia’s household is the one that Nola longs for they embody the relationship Nola wants to have with her Mom. Things take a turn for the worse when Nola is seeing leaving Merlene’s establishment.

Melanie Schwapp wrote a character that is haunting, resilient, a fighter, and the overall embodiment of a true Jamaican woman- Nola is definitely one character I will always remember.

The book takes us on an unforgettable journey, for at least then years of Nola’s life. We see her face challenges, defeat, loss of love but we also see her grow and fight back in the most beautiful way. I went through a range of emotions reading this book from anger, to disbelief to joy. I cannot stress how much I love this book- I highly recommend this book.

This book is near and dear to my heart, because my friend's Mom wrote this book and I received a signed copy. With that said, I was a little nervous to read the book because I felt like I had to like it, added to that my friend told me how great the book was. In the end I have to admit- I absolutely ADORED Dew Angels

Dew Angels is a story centered around Nola- a Jamaican girl born into a family who thinks having dark skin is an offense and proceeds to treat Nola as such. I would classify this as a coming of age novel as we see how Nola progresses from being a victim to overcoming in every area of her life.
Melanie Schwapp wrote a character that is haunting, resilient, a fighter, and the overall embodiment of a true Jamaican woman- Nola is definitely one character I will always remember.

I am always a fan of book that perfectly captures life in Jamaica, especially ones that contains colorful and believable characters. I laughed out loud, cried, and smiled having read this novel. What a brilliant read.

Must read in my book!