A review by the_evergrowing_library
The Cotton Candy Massacre by Christopher Robertson


First off, this is a total homage to 80s slasher movies and is narratively written to read like a movie, with the use of split screen, flashbacks and cuts to other scenes. I personally didn’t enjoy it. Zero shade, but that just stuck out for me personally.

Next let’s talk about how 80s slasher this was: Meet Rocky, Cliff and Candy. Can’t have an 80s slasher starring John and Claire!

We start with clowns and murder; and we end with clowns and murder. Sandwiched between this we get a break up and trips to the circus…. Some to forget their troubles, some for redemption, some for the sheer fun of the carnival.
As was intended, this did feel very much like the flow of a movie. The separate entities converging once shit hits the fan and a gradual build up of tension and insanity; tied with a neat little bow of a classic slasher ending.

I would also applaud that this has the correct level of blood and guts. There was a lot of it, but it never felt gratuitous or just done for shock value.