A review by vanessa177
Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill


I'm reading the series again with a friend that is reading them for the first time before watching the Netflix series. The main idea of the book is a good one, and it makes good use of the concept of the house. Even having read it before and still remembering a bit about how the story goes, the story manages to go into some unexpected places. It is also a very well-structured volume. As much as the first volume is intended to leave you wanting more, there is a very definite ending to this first volume. There is something a little dated about it, though. I think that anyone that likes horror comics could easily guess the time period it was released in.

I don't like Gabriel Rodríguez's style of drawing characters, but I do like how he draws the house. If I had been on Goodreads when I first read this, I think I would have likely taken more stars off for it then, but I don't mind it as much now. I like the characters, but the house is more intriguing than them. The first volume has quite a few standout pages that I really love the look of, though.