A review by moonprismbooks
The New Order by Chris Weitz


Although I enjoyed the first book a lot more, book two fell flat for me. The story progressed slightly, but felt very stand still a lot. This book wasn’t as action packed as book one and did really feel like an in between. The plot when it starts is at that “well what are we going to do now?” phase. It felt more of story building to lead up the final book.

The POVs switching was ok in the beginning, but then towards the end randomly others were thrown in. It didn’t make it difficult to follow the story it just felt like a break from the main plot. But in the end all the plots did come together to form one ending so that was good.

Jefferson’s parts were definitely most interesting. I liked watching him try to bring the gangs in NY together for peace. Now that they have The Cure it was really helpful. I really don’t like Donna at all. She was fine in the first book, but this one I was so disinterested in her. Her being in the UK really did nothing for me, but it was good to find out there was really more of the world. I didn’t care for Rab at all either in her storyline. He felt shady from the start so I wasn’t surprised to see he had secrets to him. I am curricula to see what happens now that he and Donna are in NY. Kath is such an annoying person and I can’t stand her at all.

There was a reference in Kath’s POV chapters to calling Anna and Abel “Hitler’s Youth.” It seems that Theo was saying this in a jokingly matter, but I think it’s offensive and unnecessary. There is no need to be calling young kids that. Kath literally says regarding the statement; “I don’t like the guy (Theo), but he has a pretty good turn of phrase.” Page 243). Yeah no not with someone like that.

I’m curious to see where the story goes in the final book and am intrigued to see the outcome.