A review by zackarinareads
Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall


The storyline in this novel revolves around a number of challenges that the characters have to master to reach the end of a supernatural road and find the main character's lost sister. This concept is interesting but it makes the story a bit inconsistent.

In the beginning, all the important characters were introduced at once which made it hard to distinguish them. Some of them died soon after that so I feel like I never got to know them properly.
The main character Sara is interesting because she functions as an unreliable narrator. She is also bisexual and the novel features a slight romance between her and another girl, which I did not know going into it but that was definitely enjoyable.

The atmosphere is definitely spooky and dark but I'm beginning to think that I'm just not affected by horror books. It is impossible to objectively rate how scary something is but there are definitely horror elements in this book.

There are some plot twists especially in the second half of the novel but the ending left too many open questions for me to be satisfied with it.