A review by thebookberrie
A Long Stretch of Bad Days by Mindy McGinnis

This was so cunty I really enjoyed it. Do I even know how to review anymore??? Let's go.

A Long Stretch of Bad Days is about a girl named Lydia who doesn't mind her small town but doesn't want to die there. After a school error leaves her in danger of not graduating, she has a plan to turn a local podcast into exposing long hidden truths in the town. Her first subject is investigating the "long stretch of bad days" in which her town was hit by a tornado and someone was murdered, the case still unsolved. Bristal is a girl from ~the other side of town~ who has a bad reputation and a foul mouth but also needs credit to graduate so together with their unlikely partnership, they dig into the town's sketchy history.

We got a mystery, we got small town shitty politics, we got unlikely friends becoming friends and getting to the bottom of a long unknown mystery as well as uncovering a murder no one thought even happened, we got a cat listening to audiobooks- it has it all.

Funny enough this reminded me a bit of another book by this author,[b:The Female of the Species|25812109|The Female of the Species|Mindy McGinnis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1455917180l/25812109._SY75_.jpg|45668311]. Girls with different backgrounds becoming friends along with small town shit and murder. Thankfully this one was less sexual assault angle and more small town drama but the similarities exist. I actually went and reread that after I finished this, love the way she writes these female friendships fr.

Bristal was such a fucking badass, I loved her. She was snarky and said whatever she thought but her partnership with good girl Lydia worked SO well. Lydia herself wasn't all she seemed and girl got some fire in her too okay!!

The podcast was really fun and the mystery wasn't exactly that complicated... as in I just guessed and I was right but you know what that is fine because I had a good time.