A review by readby_mishie
Roping the Cowboy by Kennedy Fox


I first heard this story from the Read Me Romance podcast months ago being narrated by Aiden and Savannah. Let me tell you now that you NEED to hear Aiden’s voice as Braxton because it will amp up that southern vibes you’ll be loving. The audio version released was only until chapter 8 and this ebook version features the full 14 chapters plus epilogue. ❤️

Roping the Cowboy is all about Braxton and Kat’s hot (hot, steamy romps) and cold (if-looks-could-kill-you’d-already-be-dead-stares) relationship. It’s an all out prank war that started the morning after. *wink wink* The pranks were funny as hell and very sabotaging, they did not hold back at all! Add to that their sexy banters!

I really loved Braxton’s character. He’s sexy as sin and he knows it, but a real southern gent underneath the brawn. Everyone under Mama Bishop’s care are real gems! Kat on the other hand is on a different league. She’s been branded as the rich kid spoiled brat so she tries so hard to prove to others and to herself that she can stand on her own two legs, which is why she’s a real sassy bitch.

But as we all know, chemistry is chemistry and nobody wins that game other than chemistry. When they finally crossed that line and gave in, it was hella smooth from then on. I admit I love Braxton more than Kat because he’s just so sweet!! You have to meet Braxton at all costs so go read this!!

The Circle B Ranch have seen so many epic love stories since this amazing duo (Kennedy Fox) started it and I’d like to think this ranch will always be one of my favourite bookish worlds. Which means any story they make that will stem to and from this ranch—I will read AND love! 😍

*I received and ARC in exchange of an honest review. Thank you Kennedy Fox and Wildfire Marketing Solutions.*