A review by anjumstar
All-American Girl by Meg Cabot


I loved this book when I was younger. I read it in 7th grade, which is close to the cut-off point for this book being awesome. First of all, I love the Meg Cabot sets a lot of her stories around DC, because that's where I'm from, so it makes it all the more relateable. As for the actual story, as unfortunate as it sounds, the character of Sam is very realistic. Sure, she's judgmental, kind of annoying, obsessive, and offensive at times, but hey, that's what being a teenager is. Hating your sister because your in love with her boyfriend is believable. That being said, Sam still annoys me. Sure, people like a character that you could sort of see in your real life, but they also want that character to be dynamic. Sam just isn't. She's exactly the same as the female lead is in any of Meg Cabot's other stories. The girl who has self-confidence issues but still acts like she's awesome and has a little bit of a 'holier than thou' complex. Every single on of her main characters in a nut shell. As well as the 'too good to be true' guy.

Ah well, like I said: it's a book for preteens.

If I were rating it only for the target audience (preteens), I give it 5 stars. For anyone older, a generous 3 stars. So, that averages to 4.