A review by deearr
Altered Carbon: Download Blues by Rik Hoskin, Richard K. Morgan, Ferran Sellares


My previous knowledge of Richard K. Morgan’s character and universe comes from the time spent watching Altered Carbon on Netflix. With the amount of time one has with a TV series, there are ample opportunities to flesh out Takeshi Kovacs and give the watcher a decent look at his world.

In a graphic novel, everything has to be put on a much quicker timeline. This worked for “Download Blues,” as the pacing kept the action at a fever pitch. The storyline was not fantastic, but tight enough to keep me engaged with what was happening. The layout and artwork were also good, especially with the drawings of the city and the elongated scenes showing both height and depth. What really interested and impressed me was the coloring. While I am not sure, it appeared that Vinicius Andrade was using watercolors (and if he wasn’t, that is the effect). For those of us who look more closely at the artwork, I felt the coloring added much to the book.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this graphic novel and recommend it. Four stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and Diamond Book Distributors for an electronic copy of this book.