A review by dlberglund
A Map for Wrecked Girls by Jessica Taylor


3.5 stars? I was swept away(by a wave?) while I was reading this, but as soon as I finished, I started picking it apart.
Henri and Emma are attached at the hip, codependent sisters. Emma depends on Henri for her social life, her mirror, her fashion advice....pretty much all of her identity. And Henri depends on Emma's dependency to validate her.
Then....some stuff happens, and Henri is very mad. (More cold than mad, I guess. Seething hatred.) Then the girls are washed up on a deserted island somewhere sort of near Puerto Rico, and need to both figure out their issues and also not die. It's all very dramatic, and there's also a boy. (There's always a boy.)
They cover a lot of interpersonal issues in this book, and I don't think they covered them all well enough or deeply enough. I also left feeling less empathy for the two of them than I did in the beginning. It had some great moments, but I don't think it holds up under scrutiny.