A review by bookishblasian
The Secret by Max Monroe


Sooooo I'm conflicted about this one. There were a lot of things I really enjoyed about it. And there were a lot of things that drove me crazy about it. The story itself had me interested from the very beginning, I’m all about the chase and what not. I thought the little panty game they were playing was a little childish, but I was willing to roll with it. When they finally hooked up, I thought, YES FINALLY! What we have all been waiting for. And then every time after that drove me absolutely crazy. These two, a professor and his TA (also the dean’s daughter), have so much to lose and where do they hook up? ON CAMPUS. In the closet. In the classroom. In his office. It honestly gave me hives how reckless they were being. They both had so much to lose, Ty in particular, and they literally would just have sex in his office. That drove me crazy. It also went from an enjoyable, flirtatious chase to just one giant sex fest. And not that I normally complain about that, they were having sex and only having sex so often that I started to get bored. It wasn’t until Rachel had to go to the hospital with Ty that I became interested in the story again. I could clearly tell they were falling for each other, but also I couldn’t really tell because all they did was chase each other and have sex. It was.. a lot. Even with all that, I stuck with the story because overall I mostly liked Rachel and Ty. I hated her for how she acted in her father’s office once they got caught, but I love how Ty acted. And honestly, I thought it would go much worse when the dad found out. I guess it wasn’t as bad since Rachel was his TA and not his student. That would’ve been much worse. Lastly, I enjoyed the ending with Rachel coming to her senses and finally using that business card and calling his brother and showing up at family dinner. I thought that was a cute touch. Overall, this book was cute but it was also extremely annoying at times. I now understand all the reviews saying there was too much sex / that’s all they did. Because well, that’s all they did lol I’m not sure what I expected from this book, but it fell about average to me. While I stayed engaged for most of the book and am somewhat still interested in the other Winslow brothers, this book wasn’t my favorite. It wasn’t my least favorite either so that’s saying something.