A review by gerd_d
Dinosaurs 2 by Michael Bishop, L. Sprague de Camp, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Gardner Dozois, Jack Dann, Avram Davidson, R. Garcia y Robertson, Allen M. Steele, Robert J. Sawyer, R.V. Branham, Ian McDowell


"Dinosaurs!" is still among my favoured themed anthologies, unsurpassed even some twenty years later.

From a gorgeous cover down to the assembled fourteen stories by such divers authors as Arthur C. Clarke, L. Sprague de Camp, Brian W. Aldiss, Harry Turtledove and others, spanning thirty-five years of storytelling from 1952 to 1987, there's no flaw to be found with this collection.

The only reson the book doesn't get a full five stars from me, is that as with every antholgy that strives for a good overview of its field not every story contained can appeal to every reader.
By the way, for everybody looking for more contemporary authors there's the 1993 follow up "Dinosaurs II" edited by the same team.