A review by joreadsromance
The Amendment by Melanie Moreland


Crushing lows to amazing highs
5 stars

Having enjoyed and adored both The Contract and then The Baby Clause, I knew that I had to read the next in Richard and Katy’s story, The Amendment. But I was also apprehensive. In my head, Richard, Katy and their family are happy - did I really want to read about a problem in their marriage that could destroy them? I mean, I knew it would be alright in the end but did I want that trauma in my life? I decided to suck it up and just go for it.

As you can tell, this book is not a standalone. You have to have read The Contract before this one or you will have no background on Richard and Katy, or what they went through to find each other. You’ll also be missing out on a fantastic story.

For the first while in this story, all is right in Richard and Katy’s lives. It’s fantastically well written as  while we revel in the joy of how happy our couple are, you know something big is coming and that gives you that tension of just waiting. Waiting for that other shoe to drop.

And when it drops - even though you know it’s coming - it still packs an emotional punch. While Katy particularly, deals with the aftermath, it was emotional and I found myself sympathising so acutely with her that I found myself weeping on occasion. But then again, I am a bit of a watering pot!

In the end, the barriers that have to be overcome are more mental than physical, and the estrangement between our couple doesn’t last as long as I had feared. But having our pair come back together was still hard won and so sweet I nearly starting crying all over again. Katy and Richard truly are meant to be - and I loved every second of them.

For those who’ve read the BAM books (which I have yet to) Maddox, Bentley and Aidan make appearances in this one as they come to the aid of a broken Richard. They bantered and bickered and I now know what my next series is going to be.

We get more of Katy’s point of view in this story than we did in The Contract. While that’s fine in terms of the story, I did find that the narrator, Tatiana Sokolov, had quite a peculiar cadence to her speech. At times it sounded strangely robotic. Nothing that made it too difficult to listen to and it definitely did get better the more I listened.

John Lane narrates the role of Richard and that man could read ANYTHING and I would swoon with giddy glee. Deep, dark and raspy - he was Richard and I was half in love with the man (Richard or John - either will do) before he’d even uttered a full paragraph.

If you’ve read The Contract, you really must read The Amendment, too. Don’t be a feardy gowk like I was - it’s definitely worth it to have more of Richard, Katy and their wonderful family and friends. Definitely 5 stars.