A review by bookber
Good Samaritans by Will Carver



This was a really fun, dark, sexy read!

We follow 3 very twisted and interesting characters, all of whom are revealed to be a bit disturbed in a slow-burn sort of way so that by the time you know, you're already invested in them.

Seth's POV was my favourite as he had such a satirical, outsider's perspective on the world and he felt quite relatable Spoilerdespite being a serial killer lol. I also felt very emotionally connected to Hadley as her story was so tragic! I didn't expect this book to go in the direction it did, but it was so dark and I loved. There was also a surprising amount of smut in this book, which equally as surprisingly I enjoyed?

My main qualm with this book is that it dragged a little bit at the end, and I'm not sure I loved how it ended. But it was a fun and enjoyable time for the most part.