A review by tx2its
Reckless, Glorious, Girl by Ellen Hagan


Reading 2021
Book 44: Reckless, Glorious, Girl by Ellen Hagan

Received this book as part of my Christmas gift subscription to Page 1 Books. It is written in verse, with a great story line of strong women. Love the cover of this book as well.

Bea, named after her grandmother Beatrice, lives with her mom and grandmother in the South. Bea's father died when she was younger in a car accident. His death, and the death of Bea's grandfather shape these women as they attend everyday life. Mom and Mamaw work to help Bea navigate all that life has to offer her. Bea is getting ready for seventh grade and all of the anxieties of middle school. She has a crush on a boy, she is behind her friends in body development ( a source of great angst), and her friend relationships are changing. Learning how the world works in your own little corner, and how to learn from mistakes are what Bea is trudging through daily.

This was a sweet book, full of all the angst and anxieties that go along with middle school. Bea was a strong character wanting to be just like her Mamaw. Amazon says the book is reviewed for 3-4 grade, though I would say this is middle school material. There is discussion of puberty, finding your way through middle school identity, first kisses, and other older kid issues. Would add this to my classroom library for sure. My rating 4⭐.