A review by ac223
Under My Skin by Judith Graves


I think Under My Skin is targeted toward the middle school age crowd, if it isn't it should be. The book was ok, just more juvenile than I usually like to read. When Graves uses phrases such as twitterpated, and 'I know you are but what am I?' I almost gave up! I doubt I will be reading any further in this series, there are just too many good books to read, and no reason to waste time on the mediocre. I think from now on if a book starts out with the main character walking down the halls of a High School, I should just close it and move on! :)
Eryn is sent to live with her Uncle Marcus, Sammi his wife, and their daughter Paige when her parents disappeared. Her father is human, and a hunter of the paranormal world. Her mother is Wolven, a born shapeshifter, not to be confused with werewolves who are made by magic. Her father is also a scientist working on a cure for werewolves. He has given Eryn many different concoctions to suppress her Wolven side. The Hunter Council sent Eryn to Redgrove, told her to stay away from the paranormals, and they would find her parents.

Brit is one of the few outcasts of the school, and Eryn quickly becomes friends with her, as she is considered one of the outcasts as well. Paige her cousin doesn't help that at all. She is popular, pretty, and a total bitch. She is not interested in befriending her cousin, or making her life any easier. Eryn is also drawn to the Delecrouix family of hunters. They are not aligned with the council because when their dad was killed on a mission, they refused to help avenge his death. Alec and Eryn are both interested in each other, but she worries if he will feel the same once he learns of her dual nature. Wade, local hot guy, and sheriff's son also makes his interest known. As the story unfolds you realize that Wade is a vampire, and his sire, the Sheriff is pulling his strings. They are making a werewolf army using the local teenagers. Wade eventually helps Alec and his group defeat some of the werewolves but disappears after the battle. Brit reveals her true nature as a dark sprite when she takes to the sky. Sheriff Logan tells Eryn that her parents are alive, he has been tracking them, and if she brings him all of her fathers notes he will spare her friends and family.